Meet the Principal


Dear Jack Barnes Elementary Families,

Welcome to our school! I am thrilled to be the principal of Jack Barnes Elementary. I have been an educator for 28 years, teaching elementary grades for 14 years, and serving as an elementary principal for 14. I have served in two states and several districts and can honestly say that JBE is a great place to be!

Jack Barnes Elementary is a proud Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) school. PBIS is a school-wide system designed to teach and reinforce behavior expectations in common areas around the school so that all students and staff are aware of the expectations. Our PBIS system focuses on being kind, being respectful, and showing integrity. We will explicitly teach students the expectations, and they will receive reinforcement and/or recognition when they are meeting and exceeding our expectations. PBIS systems minimize instructional interruptions that can occur as a result of misbehavior, thereby increasing opportunities for learning. It is an exciting time to be a part of the Pride!

I believe wholeheartedly in having a strong partnership with students’ families. After all, you are your child’s first teacher! We welcome your involvement in our Parent-Teacher Organization and throughout our school. There are numerous ways to get involved to support your child’s educational experience--from volunteering in classrooms to attending field trips and many other ways in between. Our staff will welcome your active involvement in our school.

I know you have a choice on where you send your children to school and I believe that you have made an excellent choice. Thank you for making us your school of choice! I look forward to a wonderful year with you and your children.


Dawn Kennaugh

Dawn Kennaugh, Principal